Osiculoplasties in Otological Surgery in Children
osiculoplasty, ear, cholesteatomatous osteitic.Abstract
Introduction: The development of ear surgery and since the pioneers of modern otosurgery, Wullstein, Rytzner and Shea, had described tympanoplasties, the use of the transposed anvil and inorganic materials, different techniques have been developed for the reconstruction of the ossicular chain.
Objectives: To analyze the results of ear surgery in a group of patients where ossiculoplasty was performed.
Methods: This is descriptive study of 325 patients who underwent ear surgery in the course of 10 year. They constituted the universe of this study and we took a sample of 69 patients, who had been operated for chronic cholesteatomatous osteitic otitis media and had ossiculoplasty. Those who did not undergo this technique and those who had been operated on their ears for other diseases were ruled out. Variables such as age, sex, evolution time, materials used and type of surgical technique were studied.
Results: Out of the 69 patients who underwent ossiculoplasty, good anatomical results were obtained in 55 (80%), increased hearing in 44 (64%), in 2 (3%) there were neither losses nor gains.
Conclusions: The good anatomical and functional results were seen more with the use of the anvil, which in spite of its flaws, is the most used material at the moment and the future projections are encouraging. It is confirmed by the successful evolution of many patients in these 10 years. It is accessible and economical, the few complications and the good transmission of sound achieved lead this material to be widely used in ossiculoplasties.
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