Chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media
chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media, cholesteatoma, tympanic membrane.Abstract
Introduction: Cholesteatoma is a cystic structure characterized by the presence of keratin-producing squamous epithelium, which replaces or covers the normal mucosa in the cleft of the middle ear and petrosal apex. It can be the cause of hearing loss, bone destruction and serious complications due to its expansive growth. They are classically classified as congenital and acquired.
Objective: Describe a case with chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media.
Clinical case: Female patient 54-year-old, with a history of being a smoker, who presents a 4-year history of painless otorrhea of the left ear, accompanied by decreased hearing. Otoscopy showed scanty, fetid, whitish epithelial material in the postero-superior quadrant of the tympanic membrane.
Conclusions: Due to its complexity, its power of bone destruction and its tendency to cause serious complications, cholesteatomatous otitis media requires a thorough study from the clinical and imaging point of view and strict follow-up must be maintained due to the high rate of recurrence.
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