Right Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma, a Covert Enemy
papilloma, polyp, biopsy, endoscopic.Abstract
Introduction: Nasal and / or sinonasal inverted papilloma has had a gradual increase, in terms of the number of cases that are diagnosed in consultations.
It usually originates from the lateral nasal wall, the middle turbinate, the middle meatus, or the ethmoid, and only 10% are located in the nasal septum.
Objective: To present the clinical manifestations and the diagnosis of a patient with right sinonasal inverted papilloma.
Clinical case: 62-year-old male patient with long-standing nasal obstructive syndrome, atopy since childhood and two previous surgeries for conventional right unilateral nasal polyposis. It was evaluated in the endoscopic surgery consultation of the “Faustino Pérez Hernández”, Matanzas Clinical Surgical University Hospital due to recurrence and worsening of the clinical picture, marked stench and slight deformity of the nasal pyramid. Samples of intranasal tissue were taken to perform a biopsy and define the conduct to be followed.
Conclusions: Inverted sinonasal papilloma is a potentially aggressive benign tumor, where the treatment of choice is the endoscopic approach.
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