Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Pediatric Age
sensorineural hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss, high frequency audiometry.Abstract
Introduction: Noise-induced hearing loss is defined as the partial or total decrease in the hearing capacity of one or both ears. It can be permanent and cumulative, neurosensory type, gradual installation. It can appear during the exposure to harmful noise levels and because of it. That exposure can be continuous or fluctuating, of relatively high intensity, for prolonged periods.
Objective: To investigate the incidence of noise-induced hearing loss in children. Methods: An updated search was carried out in PUBMED and Schoolar Google. Bibliographies referring to risk factors, high-frequency audiometry and prevention measures were reviewed.
Information analysis and synthesis: Noise-induced hearing loss is an irreversible condition, but unlike other sensorineural hearing loss, it can be prevented. High-frequency audiometry is relevant for prevention and early detection, particularly in young individuals, due to the risk factors to which they are exposed and who do not realize the potential damage to their health.
Conclusions: The sonic trauma produced by noise begins silently, it is only perceived when it reaches conversational frequencies. Noise-induced hearing loss is a health problem in children and adolescents, which negatively influences the structuring of intelligence, social skills and psychological state.
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