Nasopharyngeal Craniopharyngioma


  • Zaida María León Castellanos Hospital Pediátrico Sur. “Dr. Antonio María Béguez César”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • Glessy Leliebre Petell Hospital Pediátrico Sur. “Dr. Antonio María Béguez César”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • Yicel Torres Harris Hospital Militar Docente “Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • Yenicet Rodríguez Martínez Hospital Pediátrico Sur. “Dr. Antonio María Béguez César”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.


suprasellar tumor, craniopharyngioma, nasopharynx, cranial neoplasia, surgery.


Introduction: Craniopharyngiomas are rare, locally aggressive epithelial tumors that are usually located in the sellar and suprasellar regions. They are derived from embryonic remains of the craniopharyngeal duct. Although benign in nature, they are locally invasive; they infiltrate adjacent organs and structures such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, chiasm, and optic nerves, causing considerable morbidity and mortality.

Objective: To describe rare disease in children and the approach of action.

Clinical case report: A case of an 11-year-old girl is reported, she had no personal prenatal or perinatal pathological history. The main symptoms were epistaxis, slight hemoptysis and right nasal obstruction, accompanied by headache for approximately two months. The physical examination did not reveal positive data. It was decided to take her to the operating room to explore the nasopharynx and a tumor was observed which occupied the nasopharynx. It was decided to perform a biopsy that provided a pathological diagnosis of acanthomatous craniopharyngioma. Imaging studies are performed to assess the extent of the tumor and she was referred to the National Institute of Oncology and Radiology to remove the tumor by transsphenoidal surgery and she was treated with radiation. She had a satisfactory evolution.

Conclusions: Craniopharyngioma is a rare tumor in pediatric ages and curative treatment includes a combination of surgery and radiotherapy. The prognosis is favorable if it is treated in the early stages.


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How to Cite

León Castellanos ZM, Leliebre Petell G, Torres Harris Y, Rodríguez Martínez Y. Nasopharyngeal Craniopharyngioma. Rev Cubana Otorrinolaringol Cirug Cabeza Cuello [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];5(2). Available from:



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