Abscessed branchial cyst
branchial cyst, neck, tumor, congenital abnormalities .Abstract
Introduction: In the embryonic development of the branchial arches there may be an incomplete obliteration of these, later expressing itself in malformations such as cysts, sinuses or branchial arch fistulas. Branchial cysts constitute a cervical disease derived from abnormal embryonic development.
Objective: To describe a clinical case with a diagnosis of an abscessed branchial cyst.
Clinical case: The clinical case of a 65-year-old male patient is presented, with a history of a small volume increase in the lateral region of the neck on the right side, approximately two years ago, asymptomatic, with progressive growth. Admission for surgical exeresis was decided.
Conclusions: The branchial cyst constitutes one of the congenital anomalies of the neck, to carry out surgical treatment, it is important to study and understand its development during the embryological stage, its details and anatomical relationships, for its correct diagnosis.
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