Brain abscess secondary to mandibular osteomyelitis
cerebral abscess, mandibular osteomyelitis, cerebritis, oral sepsis, infection of the nervous system.Abstract
Introduction: Brain abscess has been defined as a focal, purulent process surrounded by a vascularized capsule, within the brain parenchyma, initiated by an area of cerebritis.
Objective: To present a patient with brain abscess secondary to osteomyelitis of the jaw.
Clinical case: A 16-year-old male patient with a history of dental abscess and mandibular osteomyelitis that led to the formation of two brain abscesses in the left temporal region, one of them requiring surgical treatment. It was aspirated and drained, confirming the etiology. The appropriate antibiotic treatment was applied, which contributed to the patient's clinical and neurological improvement. Conclusions: In patients with odontogenic abscesses or mandibular osteomyelitis, who have not undergone adequate treatment and begin to present signs of progressive neurological deterioration, focal motor deficit and seizures, the presence of a brain abscess must be ruled out.
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